MyMinter is the best free cryptocurrency portfolio tracker app on the Minter network.
Watch the price of any coin. Study the Price Chart, coin characteristics, make a portfolio, and it's just the beginning.
In a few clicks, add a coin and follow its rate on the main page of the app.
Create your portfolio of any coins, specifying, if necessary, the available quantity and the price at which they were purchased. Track the total portfolio value in BIP and dollars.
Get information on the dynamics of the price movement of coins and portfolios in percentage, BIP, dollars.
Follow the price chart for any period: day, week, month, six months, and get information about the highest and the lowest prices for a set period.
Learn the parameters of the added coin. Its volume in the market, CRR, initial reserve, current reserve, wallet of the coin creator and the assessment of trust to this wallet on a 100-point scale.
Our plans include a lot of useful and necessary updates and functional extensions on a regular basis.